Market share and industry insights like never seen before

Benchmark conversion share, conversion rate and more against all competitors
Get a gap analysis for your program with risks and opportunities
Understand which networks to partner with based on their conversion contribution
*No integrations required

Get all the visibility and context you need before important meetings and strategic decisions

Our market analysis model helps you to get a sense of how you perform vs competitors, high level market trends, and provides important context for your management, strategy and planning discussions

Benchmark your performance against competitors

Beat your competitors!
Understand if a conversion change your experience is due to an industry wide trend or not, get updates on Affiliate market conversion rate & MoM change,
Affiliate conversion share against competitors & MoM change, and more...

See it in action

Uncover tactics of specific competitors your are trying to take market share from

Everything you ever wanted to know about your competitors
Reverse engineer your competitors secret sauce from every possible angle- Competitor affiliates breakdown MoM, Competitor funnel benchmark,
Competitor landing page analysis and best practices

See it in action

Keep your finger on the pulse for any activities that can impact your monthly projections

Summarize key monthly opportunities to grow your program alongside expected impact to inform of budget allocation discussions, strategy and testing.

Get insights on
1. current decreasing-ROI partnerships
2. risky partnerships due to current changes in their    traffic acquisition
3. Dropout rate benchmarking vs competitors
4. Net-new opportunities
5. White space opportunities
6. Adjacent affiliates opportunities

See it in action

Industry benchmark

Benchmark your performance against competitors

Beat your competitors!
Understand if a conversion change your experience is due to an industry wide trend or not, get updates on Affiliate market conversion rate & MoM change,
Affiliate conversion share against competitors & MoM change, and more...

Competitor deep dive

Uncover tactics of specific competitors your are trying to take market share from

Everything you ever wanted to know about your competitors
Reverse engineer your competitors secret sauce from every possible angle- Competitor affiliates breakdown MoM, Competitor funnel benchmark,
Competitor landing page analysis and best practices

Risks and opportunities

Keep your finger on the pulse for any activities that can impact your monthly projections

Summarize key monthly opportunities to grow your program alongside expected impact to inform of budget allocation discussions, strategy and testing.

Get insights on
1. current decreasing-ROI partnerships
2. risky partnerships due to current changes in their traffic acquisition
3. Dropout rate benchmarking vs competitors
4. Net-new opportunities
5. White space opportunities
6. Adjacent affiliates opportunities

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Affiliate Managers

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