Gap identified
Reviews-orientated young parents who are interested in new baby monitors search Google for "The best breathing baby monitors" and "Best baby monitors", leading them to's and's articles, "Baby breathing monitors", and "The best baby monitors of 2022.
Owlet is listed as one of the top options in these articles, while Miku does not appear. Consumers finish their journey converting with Owlet after being redirected from the different articles.
Our recommendations
Our platform raised two recommendations to increase brand awareness and user acquisition for this consumer segment:
1. Display Ads: Target these consumers by using display ads on at times they are most active, to disrupt them before they start interacting with competitors. (Saturday & Sunday, 28:00-22:00 and Tuesday & Thursday, 14:00-16:00)
2. Affiliate Partnership: Partner with and to include your brand's affiliate links and reviews to attract high intent consumers and increase website traffic.